Where have the last 3 months gone??? We went from having 2 adult dogs, to adding 9 sweet puppies, and now we are back to just the 2 original adults. All the puppies are officially with their new families and beginning life adventures in the real world. This weekend we cleaned up all the puppy pens, supplies, play areas, and gear....sanitized and put everything away until the next litter. Melancholy time around here, for sure! :o( The past 3 months have flown by!!! What joy, light, and life these puppies bring into our daily lives. Gratefully, they all have gone to excellent homes and they'll continue to be well loved and cared for. We cherish the pictures and updates we get of these babies whom we've loved as our own since before they were even born!
Here are a few pics looking back at the first few days with these sweet little ones and their very happy, loving, extremely attentive mother. It's amazing how much they've grown and what they have learned in just 3 short months! We love our little dobie babies!