Monday, April 28, 2014

Anya, a Patient Mama!

Anya is such a patient, curious girl when little kids are around.  She genuinely loves their company and is continually watchful of everything they are doing.  Kids fascinate Anya!  Recently she had a little friend who came and played dinosaurs with her....lots and lots of dinosaurs.  Anya very patiently and quietly sat while dinosaurs were piled in front of her, one by one.  She loved every minute of the play time.  This is why she is such a great mama to her puppies: she's alertly curious about what is going on, but very patient and gentle with little ones.  What a good girl, Anya!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

7 Months Old

The boys are 7 months old!  We received a few updated pictures from some of them.  They are starting to look like grown up doggies now.  Ears are all looking great and we are getting great feedback about how their obedience training is coming along.  We are so pleased with how everyone is turning out.

Kobe (Brown Collar)
Dante (Red Collar)
Pepper Jack (Green Collar)
Riggs (Blue Collar) & Pepper Jack (Green Collar)
These boys get to see each other at the vet every now and then.  Lucky brothers!