Friday, May 23, 2014

What a Fighter!!!

Anya Update: She's still with us! What a little fighter! She took quite a bad turn for the worst yesterday and things were looking very bleak by the end of the day. She is gratefully still holding on. She's still extremely critical--just teetering on the edge--but this girl sure wants to live! I get to go see her in a couple hours and I am so happy about that. I hope it will lift her spirits to know we still are fighting for her too.

I had a long conversation with the vet this morning. His big concern right now is that the two ends of her intestines that were resected after removing the dead portion are not knitting and healing--that maybe there is not good blood flow. Her white blood cell count is still very high as well. He continues to give her IV fluids and antibiotics. We will just continue to wait, monitor, and pray.

The fact that she's held on this long is quite the miracle. We continue to pray for her recovery and healing. We again express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who continues to pray for our Anya girl. We are so humbled and grateful at the love we feel from you for this little doggie who is such an loved and important member of our family. Thank you, thank you! And, please keep praying!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Anya Update: Prayers Still Needed

Anya seems to have taken a downturn this morning. She is refusing food and has low energy again. She is still very critical and we are very concerned about her. Continued prayers are definitely needed and appreciated.

Yesterday Anya seemed to rally and we were feeling cautiously optimistic about her progress. The vet was completely amazed at her fighting spirit and said any other dog he's ever worked on who's undergone the major surgeries and trauma that Anya has endured is usually dead within hours. The fact that she's held out this long is truly miraculous! We attribute it to the faith and prayers of so many who love Anya, as well as Anya's strong determination to live. Thank you for praying! Please keep it up! She's still critical. Every minute and every hour she hangs on increases her likelihood of survival.

Yesterday when Anya seemed to be gaining strength the vet tech sent me these pictures of her. She looks more alert and healthy in these pics than we've seen her look in 10 days. It made me so happy to see her feeling a little better. I'm sad that did not last long, but we hope to see her like this again. Again, I invite you to join with us in prayer for our sweet Anya.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Prayers for Sweet Anya

We've had quite the intense last 9 days with Anya. Things have changed so much from day to day that we've struggled to know exactly what to share and when.  We've decided, however, to post everything.  This will be wordy, but hopefully it will help everyone get a good grasp for what is going on.

Last Monday morning (May 12th) Anya woke up not feeling well. She wasn't interested in food and seemed kind of down in the dumps. I luckily had a vet appointment already scheduled for her to do a routine check-up in preparation for a hopeful breeding next month. The vet couldn't really see anything specific that was wrong but told us to keep an eye on her and let him know about her progress. As the week went on she continued to not feel well and started to get really lethargic.  We continued to communicate with the vet. Her personality went from her regular super happy, spunky, energetic self to completely lethargic and dazed. She wasn't eating and only wanted to sleep. Thursday evening she started vomiting. So, Friday morning we knew we needed to get her to the vet again before the weekend.

Friday the vet checked her out and wondered if perhaps she had a bowel obstruction. (She has had 2 previous bowel obstruction surgeries because she is a typical doberman and eats stuff she's not supposed to.) An x-ray was performed and all the vet could see was that there was gassy build-up in her gut. So, he went in for exploratory surgery. What he found was a little more than we all bargained for. He discovered that part of her intestinal wall had become weakened by scar tissue from the past surgeries and had formed a baseball sized lump off to the side that was full of fluid and gunk. When he went to lift it out for examination it burst. The vet ended up having to remove about a 6" section of her intestine and patch her back together. She stayed at the vet all weekend.  I picked her up Monday mid-morning thinking that with rest and a soft diet for the next couple weeks she'd mend just fine. That's what we all thought.

However, by Monday evening I could tell she was not perking up. She still wasn't interested in food (although we did get her to eat a very small amount of rice and chicken) and she was just laying around in a kind of half dazed state. She had a really rough night Monday and was up every hour guzzling water and going potty. She was really confused and weak.

First thing Tuesday (yesterday) morning I rushed her back to the vet and he put her right back in to surgery. He discovered that a couple of the stitches on her intestines had pulled loose. So, her intestines had been leaking blood and all the water she'd been guzzling out into her gut. Also, a section of her intestines had died and needed to be removed. He cleaned her up and stitched her back together, leaving a drain coming out of her belly so the fluids could continue to drain as needed.

The vet said her situation was very grave and that she was weak, had lost a lot of blood and fluids, and that it would be a miracle if she could make it through the night. He put 4 bags of IV fluids through her. We, along with all our family and hosts of others (including the vet staff), began praying earnestly for a miracle. Several vet techs were in checking on Anya throughout the night and sent text updates as possible.

Miraculously, Anya being the strong little fighter that she is, pulled through the night. We are so completely grateful for that miracle and know that it is because of so many prayers in her behalf. She is still not out of the woods yet, however. She is alert and quietly resting at the office. The drainage has slowed down.  She will drink a little and they even managed to get her to eat a small amount of very soft food.  They just did a blood test to check her hydration levels.  They are also considering a transfusion.

So many people love Anya! She really has gotten into the hearts of everyone she meets. She is such a sweetheart and a huge part of our family. She's only 4 years old and we are not ready to let her go yet. She has the potential for a wonderful life yet ahead of her. We are continuing to pray for her and asking anyone and everyone who feels so inclined to join us.

At this point, as you can imagine, all breeding thoughts are completely on hold. Our #1 priority is to get Anya well and do what is best for her. The vet feels that if she pulls through this as we are all praying for then she will need to give her body a bit of a rest. So, if she comes into heat in June or July we will definitely skip that heat. However, if she pulls through okay and gets healthy and strong again we will consider our breeding options. But, we will first and foremost always choose to do what is best for our little Anya girl. We are in a wait and see holding pattern. I know there are those of you who are hoping for an Anya puppy soon. I'm sorry to share this disappointing news. We are doing everything in our power to help Anya pull through right now.

I've included a couple pictures of her at home last week and a couple the vet techs sent with her updates last night. Her eyes look good and she looks sweet and relatively alert. We will just have to see how she pulls through this tough ordeal.

If the number of people who love this girl, her ultra sweetness, plus a whole lot of doberman stubbornness count for anything in heaven we are really hoping that she is able to fight through and beat this thing. We are praying for healing and health, as well as for all those who are laboring so diligently to care for her. We invite you to please join us in prayers for Anya.

8 months old

I know I'm a couple weeks late getting these pics up, but time just goes by too quickly!  The boys are 8 months old now and are all doing really great!  We are really proud of all the things their owners are doing with them.  Sounds like the love their little guys and are helping them become wonderful companions.  Here are some updated pics of a few of the brothers.

Sgt. Pepper Jack Dancer

Dante Aiden
 Dante competed in his first AKC conformation show this month.  He came home with 1 first place and 2 second place ribbons.  We are so proud of this boy!


Atticus Grayson