Monday, December 30, 2013

Anya: Heat!

Anya is in heat!  She had her first appointment with our vet, Dr. Carl Pew, this morning and was given a 100% clean bill of health and recommendation to proceed with the next breeding.  We are excited about what is coming in the days and weeks ahead!  Anya heads back to the vet Thursday for the first of her progesterone testing, which will continue every couple days until her numbers are in the appropriate range for the breeding to occur.

Here are some pictures of our pretty girl Anya, taken today.  She really loves the snow!

"You'll never catch me, Mack! Ha ha ha ha!"
"Happy, happy, happy!"

Friday, December 20, 2013

Feliz Naughty Dog!

'Feliz Naughty Dog' from Snow Springs Dobes!  ;o)  May your Christmas and New Year be beautiful, safe, full of love and joy!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Updated Pics of Some of the Boys

Here are some updated pics I received of some of the little brothers from Litter A.  What handsome boys!
Kobe (Brown Collar)

Link (Orange Collar)
Pepper Jack (Green Collar)

Dante (Red Collar)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Visit With Mom

Look who came for a little visit!  Dante stopped by to play with his mommy and also get his ears taped up nice and tall.  No more cup on the head for this little man!  He and his momma had such a fun time wrestling and playing, snuggling and kissing each other.  What a fun couple hours!

Attucus: Look at Those Ears!

Little Atticus Grayson is showing off his handsome face and tall, straight ears!  This little guy is a looker, and such a sweetie too!

A New Home for Red Collar Boy

Last week our little red collar boy FINALLY got to go home with his new family!  It has been a VERY hard secret to keep.  For the last 5 weeks his new daddy and I had been trying to keep this secret from his new mommy.  She wanted Aiden and loved him since he was about a month old.  Little did she know, her husband had a grand scheme to bring the puppy into their family as a gift for his wife. Aiden's new daddy has been waiting to surprise his new mommy with this little guy for awhile.  Aiden was going to stay with us until Christmas, but his new daddy just couldn't wait!  Here are some pics of him meeting his new family!

His new mommy wants his name to be Dante.  His new daddy chose Aiden.  So, they've compromised on Dante Aiden, but he'll be called Dante from now on.  We are gonna miss this little sweetie!  We have grown very attached to him, but we know he is in great hands now.  His new mommy is a dog behavior trainer and Dante will be trained to be her 4-legged helper.  He'll be great at it, as he has a very balanced temperament, high confidence, and he loves people and dogs.  We look forward to seeing him progress.